Sunday, July 03, 2011

Anna's bachelorette party

Yesterday I rose at the ungodly hour of 5:30 am. Usually this is not ok according to me. But this day was special - it was time to kidnap Anna Boberg for her bachelorette party! We had all decided to wear 40s - 50s style outfits, with emphasis on film noir. Since this is what I usually wear, this fitted me perfectly! Although not many of us took the film noir theme so seriously, I wanted to envisage it on myself as best as I could. With this in mind I threw on a little black dress I had stitched together myself after a pattern from the 40s, over a vintage slip. I also felt this was the perfect time to bring out my black vintage pancake hat with a full veil.

After abducting Anna, we went to Johan's place, where we got a lesson in coffee. We got to try a few different kinds of this lovely beverage, amongst which one was the most expensive coffee in the world! This coffee was literary shit! It's called "Kopi luwak" or "civet coffee". The civet cat eats the coffee berries. After going through the cat's intestines the coffee bean then comes out through the other end of the cat - completely intact. These beans are then washed, dried and roasted so they then can be brewed into very costly coffee. And yes - it tasted like coffee, not shit. In the picture below Anna sips a cup of cat poo.

After this we brought the bride to be to Mosebacke, where we enjoyed a jazz brunch.

Then we went on to Långholmen for some bubbles and strawberries, before the croquet began. The rules of this game was slightly altered for the day - we were three people in each team, and we all had to hook up to each other while shooting. A girl from a nearby picnic actually came up to us asking us what we were doing...

When the croquet was over, we all relaxed for a moment while Tove read aloud from the Agatha Christie crime novel "Death on the Nile".

Then it was time to move on to the next destination, which was the Scandic Sjöfartshotel. There we ate dinner while going through one of their murder mystery nights. We all got assigned different characters we were about to play out during the dinner while trying to figure out who the murder was. My character was the aristocratic kleptomaniac Tratten von Finkel. One of the things I had to do during the night was to steal things (that belonged to the game) and sell them to the woman who was in charge of everything. I managed to get my hands on so many of the other participant's things and sell them I actually won a price for having the most money at the end of the game. I'm proud of myself!

When the murderer was finally revealed, and dessert had been eaten some of us went home. Others - including me - continued to Marios Gastro Dinner - a 50s style bar/bowling place - where we bowled, drank drinks/milkshakes and danced our butts off. I even bowled myself! Didn't make it all the way to the bowling cones though...Then the place closed and we all went home after a long, fun and tiering day...Well. All except Jacob, who went on to a bachelor party...


Anna and Tove - girs with balls!

Jacob and Quaryn rocks the casbah

Johan, Anna, Tove, Jenny, Jacob


  1. Thanks for a lovely day and you looked stunning in your dress. As always.

  2. Tack gullet! Men du var finast i håret. Som alltid... :)

  3. What a super theme for a bachelorette party! Very unique.
