Thursday, July 28, 2011

Country Girl

I have just come home from spending a few days in the country for the next photo shoot in my sisters fairy tale series, where Snow White was the first. This time it was Sleeping Beauty's turn. I have visited this lovely place every summer since I was born. It lies one and a half hours north of Stockholm and is the place where my mother and her sister grew up. Later when their parents built a more modern home in the 60s - just e few meters from the cottages - my mother and her family got one cottage (to the left in the picture), and her sister's family the other one (to the right).

Here's another picture of my family's place. Both houses are from the end of the 18th century or the beginning of the 19th century. There's only cold water in the taps, so if we want warm water we have to heat it up.

When you gotta go, you gotta go. And when that happens this is where you go! 

Inside is a bench with two holes beside each other. Very romantic. Me and my sister have had a lot of good times in here. But you better make sure there is enough toilet paper before you sit down, because this little house is a bit separated from the rest of the buildings, so out here no one can hear you scream!

The refrigerator in my ant's house is from the 60s. Still working! I love these refrigerators with rounded corners!

My cousin Daniel was also there with his, wife, little daughter, and two big cats. Don't let the picture fool you, he's actually one of the sweetest, funnest persons I've ever met!

That's me behind the werewolf. Loke is his name.

For the Sleeping Beauty shoot, me and the photographer - a k a my sister Christine - rearranged a few things up on the old, dusty attic of my ant's cottage. Earlier we had found an old chaise lounge and a spinning wheel up there we wanted to use. 

The sad thing with the chaise lounge is that it's completely broken on the inside, so it can't be used anymore. Having the whole thing redone would probably cost more than buying another one. I really want one of those!

Appart from the photo shoot, we did exactly what you should do out in the country - we ate ice cream, played cards, read, did crossword puzzles and swam in the sea. The water was a bit too cold to be enjoyable though. But if you just go straight into it (screaming) and then swim as fast as you can until you get warm it's ok. The result of the photo shoot will be shown later, when my sister deigns to send me the pictures. Now I'm going to go see if there's anything to be done about the grass stains on my feet...

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