Monday, August 08, 2011

More funny ads!

After yesterday's post I looked around for more funny ads from the past, telling you how to lose - or gain - weight. Here are a few of them.

Why not do like Zsa Zsa Gabor, and lose weight with Ayds? "With Ayds you lose weight the way Nature intended you to - without dieting or hunger." Hm...The way Nature intended you to?...

The "Electric Vibrator"?! I wonder how many of the women who bought this actually used it on their hips...

Or why not start smoking?! No one would be able to deny your new smokin' figure...

...And they also protects your throat against irritation and cough! Wow!

"Bile Beans". Mmmmm. Yummy!!!!

And then a few ones for the girl who feels too skinny.

If there are any girls out there today who would eat anything that had the words "Get fat" written over it - raise your hand...None?...Ok...

"Don't think you're "born" to be skinny and friendless"...And you can really see that this girl has gained weight. She's not skinny at all anymore...

According to this ad I'm not glamorous - since I'm skinny! Aaaaah!!!! I wonder if you can still get that "Numal" somewhere today?...

...Or maybe some "Kelp-A-Malt"? That sounds healthy...

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