Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Monday's school outfit

Oh the pressure of always having to wear something different to my PR-class on Mondays, so I won't bore my dear readers with already seen outfits! This time I cheated a bit though, and wore a skirt you've already seen - the one Fanny gave me. The top is an old one from Gina Tricot.

I've had a bit of a foot ache the last month, so I have to wear really comfortable shoes for the moment. I guess we all have our "old faithful" when it comes to shoes. The one pair we can always rely on if we know we're going to walk around a lot, and don't want to ruin the day by leaving bloody footprints behind us - even though the achy shoes might be pretty. These are my "old faithful":

I bought them many years ago at shoe store called "Din Sko" ("Your Shoe"), which is a bit like the H&M of shoes in Sweden, that sells shoes at very good prices. The day these shoes die, I'm going to have a proper funeral for them. And then I'm going to wear black for at least half a year...

This Monday I was a bit confused, and managed to jump on the buss to go to class one hour too early. Oooops! So, what is a girl to do, in the middle of Stockholm, when she has a whole hour to spend? She goes shopping of course!!! I went to a vintage store called "Old Touch". They have a lot of things in there! I think you could visit every day and still find something you haven't seen before.

I found a lovely dress from the 30s that got to come home with me. Pictures of that one will come later! Probably on the next "Monday's school outfit" post. I can't reveal everything right away, can I?!!!


  1. Adorable shoes! I always get too attached to my stuff and end up crying when they get irreparably damaged.
    I hope you found some buried treasures on your impromptu shopping tour :-)

  2. Lovely photos, you're very fashionable. Having to differentiate your outfit every week must be a pain anyways.

  3. Love the skirt and red top.and those shoes look comfy.Look at all those goodies.I would want it all.lol.I always do.

  4. Thanx for the nice words! :)

    Yeamie: You have NO idea how difficult this is! Sometimes I even have to go shopping do get some diversity in my outfits. It's horrible, completely horrible... ;)

  5. I wanna go there! I have actually never been to Stockholm! (Shame on me) Now I know where to get some me some vintage items!

  6. Cannot wait to see the 30s dress, that store looks amazing. Love the gloves pic.

    Once again, you look cute as a button - great shoeage. :)

  7. Helen: The truth is this was actually the first time I visited that store - and I've lived in Stockholm my whole life. Shame on ME!!! ;)

    Miss Porkchop: Thanx for the compliment! Pics of the dress WILL come! :)
