Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Vintage ballerinas

It's now pretty much exactly seven years since I managed to break myself, and so completely ruin any chances of ever having a dancing career at all! Isn't that ironic - I managed to ruin my life at Halloween!...But now - seven years later - when I've managed to work away most of the chronic pain, and with the extra help of a little pill (I'm so happy I could die...), my life doesn't feel completely ruined any more. This last year has been really good. I've been able to do so much "normal" stuff, not having to worry about the pain (no painkillers help) all the time. I was even able to go to NY! I just wish I could watch ballet. But I can't. It just makes me so depressed. I shouldn't even watch pictures of ballerinas...So, of course, that's exactly what I did...

In celebration of mine and my pain demons seventh anniversary I will now dedicate this post to ballerinas of the past!

Lycette Darsonval

Nina Vyroubova

Raisa Struchkova

Maria Tallchief

Alla Sizova

Antoinette Sibley

Alla Shelest

Moira Shearer

Anna Pavlova

Toni Lander

Lydia Kyasht

Maya Plisetskaya

Vera Karalli

Margot Fonteyn

Lubov Egorova

Liane Daydé

Alexandra Danilova

Sonia Arova

Beryl Grey

And last, but not least, Swedens own Anneli Alhanko - Prima Ballerina Assoluta - a title only given to very few, utterly talented ballerinas!

Anneli Alhanko 


  1. I've never heard of any of these chicks before but they're all seemingly extremely beautiful and elegant.

  2. So sorry to hear about your accident :-( You do sound positive and optimistic about your life, so that's great.

  3. am sorry for what happened to you but just be positive always, things happen for a reason and mostly they are blessing in disguise that make our life much better... the ballerinas are really magical... enjoyed your blog.. following you now.. hope you could visit my blog too.. kissess!!!


  4. Stunning. Sorry about your accident..I hope one day you will dance like them again, you can do it!! xx

  5. Stunning photos! Is it rude to ask what kind of accident that happened to you? (As a physiotherapist, I always get interested in these things ;)

  6. I love a vintage ballerina- reminds me of an old painting like a Degas.

  7. Thanks for your kind words! :)

    Helen: I probably broke a nerve inside the ischial nerve + a bleeding deep inside my muscle (back of left thigh). The problem was you couldn't see anything on the outside, so the idiotic doctors I first saw didn't believe me. It took over three years until I got to see the best pain doctor in Sweden, but then the pain had already become chronic. According to this new (really good) doctor I was living with the worst pain you can have, since no pain killers work on it. I'm just glad I know so much about working out and building up my own body - which is what I've kept trying to do these last seven years. And now I've finally become so pain free I can live again! Have to keep working out thou! :)

  8. Wow, I'm really sorry to hear about your injury. I was really into dance when I was a little girl and I loved it and then I dislocated my shoulder and the doctors told me to stop. But I got into other stuff so it all worked out.

    Mabel Time

  9. Beautiful ! Thank you for visiting my home, congratulations for your blog and its theme, I love, see you soon !
