Sunday, November 06, 2011

Little Vintage Love Fair

Yaaaaaaaawn! Excuse me, I went to bed at 03:30 am this morning, after partying both Friday and Saturday. But I'll tell you about that some other time. The most important thing that happened today was that Little Vintage Love Fair was held in Stockholm. Despite my lack of sleep, I was up bright and early to visit the event. The first person I met there was gorgeous Tifa DeLeone.

She was there to sell her own magazine "Min Boudoir" ("My Boudoir") that just came out with the first issue. She started it as a web magazine, but now it exists in paper form. Of course I bought one for myself - I've been waiting for it for quite some time now - and I've just had time to quickly look through it. But after just this quick look, I have to say I'm sorry for all you people that doesn't understand Swedish...

The magazine is full of vintage, pin up, burlesque, and all the things people like me want to read about. This is the kind of magazine I've been lacking for years, so I'm really glad miss DeLeone did something about it and created "Min Boudoir"!

If you have worked as hard as you have to to create your own magazine, you're allowed to graze the cover of it too! Especially if you look like that! Tifa wasn't the only hot babe at the fair though...

...The fabulous Fanny was there too - selling stuff for her shop "Kellerman Vintage". I have plans for the pretty vintage dress she's wearing in the picture. One night when she's sleeping, I'm gonna steal it! But that's a seacret, so don't tell anyone else. Especially not her!...I might give it back after I've used it a few times though. I like Fanny very much, so I don't want to be too mean to her. Today she gave me a banana! I haven't eaten a banana in years, so she showed me how to peel it - I obviously didn't do it right - and made sure I put it in the right bodily orifice...I saw a TV show a while ago, where a girl did something she called "The Banana Trick" with this yellow fruit. I'm not going to delve into exactly what she did deeper here, but after seeing that I was a bit confused about exactly what you're supposed to do with a banana. Luckily I had Fanny there to make sure I did it the right way. No "tricks" included...

There was a band too!!!

Except for the magazine I didn't buy anything. I'm saving my money for a secret vintage mission me and Fanny are going on in France, next week. Reports about that will of course end up here afterwards...


  1. Wow, that seems like a lot of phone. Excellent blog post as always! I look forward to hearing about those nights spent partying sometime soon as well, staying up until 3am certainly sounds like a lot of fun, at the time at least.

  2. What gorgeous ladies, glad you didn't put the banana anywhere else hah, yeah I would steal that dress too! x

  3. Håller verkligen med dig! Äntligen en tidning som man kan bläddra i, sida till sida och bars älskar allt!!!

  4. Gorgeous ladies..looks like a fantastic time!! xx Love the dresses :) x

  5. Aw, wish I spoke some Swedish, Tifa has a great look!!

    P.S. Please don't molest innocent fruit :-)


  6. I hereby promise to NEVER willfully molest a fruit!...Vegetables is another thing tho... ;)

    And congratulations to Lady Angore, who speaks Swedish, and so will be able to enjoy the magazine. For the rest of you I suggest taking a course in Swedish! ;)
