Tuesday, November 01, 2011

Monday's school outfit

This Monday's dress comes from some store on Melrose in LA. Bought it on last summers little trip there.

It's from the 50s, and is home sewn. This is one of my "just throw on" dresses that I...well...just throw on, when I need to just throw something on - if you know what i'm sayin'...

It has been over-dyed with black though, but it looks blacker in this picture that it is in real life. If you look closely at the fabric you can see the Hawaiian islands here and there on it, with the islands names written in gold. So with this Hawaiian theme I can imagine the dress was very colorful before someone dyed it.

Since it's become quite chilly here in Sweden I put on a little purple cardigan over the dress. It's from H&M, and I bought it a long time ago.

Something that always spices up your outfit is hair flowers, so I added some matching purple ones to mine! Can't remember where I got these...In this photo you can see my sister tattoo. Both mine and my sister's names start with a "C", so we both got these on the side of our left hands. Inked together for life!

After my PR-class I ended up at The Vampire Lounge for some Halloween drinks. When I arrived I met Fanny and Michael, looking pretty as usual...


  1. lovely outfit!!! love love love it!!! did you wear it on halloween? kissess!!!

  2. It's a beautiful dress, you look great in it! Love the shape. Bet it was quite a bright dress before the dye, but still looks great!! Love the picture of your friends, they look fantastic!! xx

  3. Lovely outfit. Lovely photos in general in fact. Those Halloween outfits are terrifyingly awesome, great effort has to be applied to look as scary as your two friends!

  4. I love your 50's dress! You look gorgeous!

  5. Thank you all! I worked all weekend, so there was no real Halloween celebration for me. I wasn't really expecting to end up at the Vampire Lounge after class yesterday, but Fanny called me on my way to the buss home, and so I ended up partying a bit after all! Would have worn something more Halloweenish if I had known I would be going there, but at least my dress was black! :) There were two makeup artists at the club, doing face paintings on the guests - that's why my friends ended up looking like they do in the pic. Was gonna get my face painted too, but then I got busy talking and drinking the amazing drinks they serve at the Vampire...Hope you all had a great Halloween too!!! :)

  6. You look so darling! That 50's dress looks like it's perfect for you.



  7. I always love a good 'just throw it on dress' - you;re is adorable!
