Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Burläsk Presents: It's Santa Baby Tajm

Last Friday started out better than it ended - me and Fanny headed to a burlesque event called "Burläsk Presents: It's Santa Baby Tajm"!

First we met up at Fanny's shop "Kellerman Vintage", where we did some outfit-posing. I wore a vintage 50s skirt I bought in NY last summer, and a corset made by myself.

Fanny looked über-cute in a vintage pinafore dress, and shoes to match her hair.

Here she is at the party, showing off her collar!

The place was full of Christmas decorations. Little light-Santas that changed color were placed here and there:

Believe it or not - but the Santa in the pictures above is the same Santa, changing color! Coooooool!!!!!

Even people were Christmas decorated! Here is Lady Francescca. Look at that hat!

Later she took the stage as a naughty housemaid!

But there were other performers too! Here are a few of them: 

Sindy Volcano

Sindy Volcano

Lacy Sugars

Duchess Dubois

Duchess Dubois

Duchess Dubois

I was sitting on some carpets just below the stage, and after being hit by a glitter rain, this is what my feet - and wine - looked like:

It was about now my food poisoning (or whatever it was) hit. Thanks to Fanny - who got me out of there, almost had to carry me to a cab, brought me to her home, and undressed me - I made it to bed! The day after I felt too bad to leave her place and go home. So I spent the day on a couch, watching "Dexter" season 4, and was treated like a sick queen by Fanny! She fed me, and even whisked out the bubbles in some Coke for me! She's like the boyfriend I wished a had...But with boobs...


  1. What a fantastic time, love the performers and you both look marvelous..your friend Fanny is precious too! Glad she was there to take care of you, sounds just terrible!! Loved Dexter :) Makes things easier when you have great friends!! xx

  2. I know! Fanny was my guardian angel. Without her I would probably still be lying in the gutter outside that burlesque place... ;) Friends are worth more than diamonds!

  3. Excellent photos as always, you guys live these awesomely fabulous lifestyles that I'm almost envious of haha! Lady Francescca seems like quite the lady too, wow!

  4. What a fantastic little blog you have here! Too bad that your evening ended early at Burkläsk because of food poisoning! And sorry bout the glitter in your wine... hopefully you had a great evening while it lasted at least!

    XoXo / Lacy Sugars

  5. Baur: Welcome to my little bloggywogg! :)

    Lacy Sugars: The glitter in my wine was perfect! After that evening I will NEVER drink wine without glitter in it again! :) Your performance was great too. Thanx for a lovely evening...Well, the first half of the evening at least... ;) xx
