Friday, December 09, 2011

Fabergé Friday

And so we have reached egg number nine - the "Caucasus Egg", from 1893.

Made out of ruby enamel, with decorations of varicolored gold, silver, rose-cut diamonds, portrait diamonds, platinum, ivory, pearls and rock crystal, this is the first Imperial Egg known to be dated. 

Around the egg sits four pearl-boardered doors, each of which bears a diamond set numeral forming the year it was made. 

Behind each door this egg's surprises are hidden - four miniatures made with watercolor on ivory, signed by Krijitski.

The miniatures depict the Imperial hunting lodge at Abastuman, where Grand Duke George took up residence after being struck by tuberculosis. The climate there was better for his health. Behinde the hinged cover at the top of the egg there is also a portrait of the Grand Duke himself, wearing his naval uniform. After six years with the disease he would pass away though...


  1. Beautiful, my daughter would love this one as she loves red, and the ruby enamel is gorgeous!! I especially enjoy the little miniatures on it!! :)

  2. Absolutely beautiful as always. I love this.
