Saturday, December 31, 2011

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!!!

Hope you all get a wonderful end to this year, with good food, nice friends and glasses filled with whatever you prefer! And do not miss the fireworks!

I will end this year with a few very wise words by the always so eloquent Mr Aleister Crowley, from his book "Moonchild":

"May the New Year bring you courage to break your resolutions early! My own plan is to swear off every kind of virtue, so that I triumph even when I fall!"



  1. Happy New Year Miss Meadows! Here's to you hopefully having an awesome year next year!

  2. The same to you darlin'! Lots of hugs and kisses!!! :)

  3. Happy New Year beauty!! I hope it's a magical night and year to come for you!! Lots of love!!

  4. Lots of love back to you too doll! If the Mayans were right about the world ending in 2012, let's make this last year a good one! ;) xx

  5. Happy New Year! love the blog and thanks for stopping over on mine, hope we can follow each other now :)
