Monday, December 12, 2011

Monday's school outfit

This, my friends, is a sad day...It's the day of the last "Monday's School Outfit" post!

But let's not cry. Let's just remember the good times we've had!

Like Ceved - the fake raven...

...and Polly - the polyester raccoon!

And we still have today's post left! 

For the last PR-class (wow it's gone fast!) I went with a skirt I made after a pattern from the 50s - here shown in fifth position!

With the obligatory crinoline from "Bettie Page Clothing" of course!

Love the fabric print on this skirt! It existed in many different colors, and I was tempted to sow something in every one. Didn't though. That might have become a bit too repetitive. I allowed myself to get two different colors though! The other is black/gray, and I made the dress below out of it, from a pattern from the 40s.

So. That's it! The last "Monday's School Outfit"...I wonder what I'm gonna do next..."Monday's Panties" maybe...Or maybe not...


  1. I'm pretty sad it's the end of the Monday's School Outfit posts, I loved all of the looks you went with Miss Meadows, you've got such an elegant and awesome style of dress, honestly.

  2. Thank you darlin'! I'm sure I'll be able to sneak in some outfit posts in the future too! :) xx

  3. I love the clothes you make, they are wonderful! I could fill my closet with them :) You look steller in the skirt you made and the crinoline under it looks wonderful!! School has gone fast, enjoy your last post and time of it :))) Love the Raven picture. And from your comment, I really enjoy winter moments like the one you described, it's like real winter to me. I love when it's frost and no snow for some reason, there is a stillness that I find quite peaceful! have a wonderful day and week to come!! :)

  4. Beautiful outfits.Love the dress on the bottom.very cute.x

  5. Thank you all! xx

    Miss Tallulah: My wardrobe is open for raids on Thursdays between 5:46pm and 5:48pm... ;)
