Monday, January 16, 2012

Cooking Tips With Miss Meadows!

It's time for some more tips with Miss Meadows, to help you all deal with life's difficult tasks. Today we will learn about cooking! But first things first...

...Before you even think about cooking, put on some good music and open a bottle of wine! I hope you all remember what I said about red wine in my last tips post - ANTIOXIDANTS!!! There. Now we can start concentrating on the food!

Start by putting on a apron, so you don't sully your outfit, which probably need to be hand washed or dry cleaned, while an apron easily can be thrown into the washing machine! The apron I'm wearing used to be my grandma's. A cooking book might help. We (me and my sister) didn't use one this evening though. The cooking book I'm holding was just for the picture!

If you're short like me - 162 cm (5.3 ft) - a pair of high heals might make things in the kitchen a lot easier! 

See how much easier I can reach the top shelf in the cupboard when I'm wearing these shoes! They come from "Milan Fashion Freaks" by the way. When you've come this far into the cooking process, it's time to take out a knife!

I'm sorry. Let's try that again...

Take out a KNIFE!!! The bigger the better!

Now comes the easy part. Chop up some things you like. There's no sense in cooking stuff you don't like. Me and sis were making a Christmasy risotto (these pictures were taken just before the holidays), so we used an orange, raisins, pecan nuts, and figs. 

Then we blended it together with the rice, saffron and cinnamon. Tadaaaa! It's as easy as that!

But whatever you do after dinner, don't forget to end it with a piece of chocolate! It speeds up the digestion! Here you can see my sisters arm stretching out to grab some dessert, while showcasing her latest tattoo, made with Nirvana's "Heart shaped Box" as inspiration. 

That was all for now! I hope it helped...


  1. Brilliant advice. But your looks with that big knife... I'm not sure I would be around when you cook...:–)

  2. Top kitchen tips here, digging the high heels idea as I am five feet one and a half inches (and a tea leaf) tall!!! X

  3. I'm going to have to print this & hang it for instructional purposes & proper posing!

  4. Fabulous..Imust always cook like this!! Love your sister's tattoo!! xx

  5. These are great tips, I'd love to be able to cook this up, the knife is intimidatingly awesome to say the least too. The chocolate tip is an interesting one I'll have to try as well, I love your sister's tattoo as well.

  6. Great advice, though I wear platforms because I'm less thant 5ft tall:)

  7. I love the idea of wearing heels in the kitchen, but just can't bring myself to do it. Mtly knees wpyld complain too much. :-} Maybe I'll try it anyway; it looks so glamorous!

  8. Thank you so much for this splendid tutorial! I am the same hight as you, and I also like to wear heels when I cook. And such class in your performance here. Lovely ;)

  9. I'm so glad to be able to help so many people with this difficult task! Now I think we're all ready to start our own restaurants! ;)

  10. Thanks for sharing the info here. Keep up the good work. All the best.
