Tuesday, January 03, 2012

Ladurée Les Merveilleuses

There is a French deluxe tea salon and pastry maker called "Ladurée". In February they will release a makeup line called "Ladurée Les Merveilleuses". It will first be released in Japan, before expanding to Europe, the US and Asia.

I found some info about it on "Rouge Deluxe", that states the name on the makeup line was inspired by the Merveilleuses of 18th century France, with those people's love of glamour and decadence - in their turn inspired by the ancient Greeks and Romans.

In an interview with Ladurée's Image/Communications Marketing Director, Safia Thomass Bendali, she talks about the long time Ladurée has spent carefully developing this makeup line, to make sure it isn't just beautiful, but also has quality. Lot's of emphasis is placed on blushes - since during the age of the Merveilleuses the cheeks were seen as the main area for playing up ones feminine allure. These blushes will come in three different shapes (the prices have been converted form Japanese Yen to USD by "Rouge Deluxe"):

Face Color Rose Ladurée: Available in three shades. Run the brush over the petals and apply to your cheeks. 74 dollars for the refill. 41 dollars for the case.

Cream Cheek Base: Comes in five shades. About 56 dollars.

Pressed Cheek Color: Available in 20 shades. 50 dollars for the color. 20 dollars for the case and brush.

Facial Powder: Comes in four shades, and cost 113 dollars.

There will also be:
Concealers: 51 dollars
Color Control and Smoothing Base: 51 dollars
Cheek Brush: 82 dollars
Fluid Fondation: Three different shades, 79 dollars
Hand Mirror: 48 dollars

As these products doesn't come so very cheap, I guess I now need to get a new - well payed - job, for I feel they would look marvelous on my antique vanity table!...That I guess I need to find and buy first then...And place it right next to my red velvet covered divan - which I don't own either...YET!!!


  1. I'd have the containers alone without anything in them..how exquisite! I need to save now :) Gorgeous, I hope you get one, am sure it would look beautiful in your room :) xx

  2. Hello there Miss Meadows, Thank you for your lovely blog and articles...always so funny and witty! I can barely contain my excitement about this new makeup line from Ladurée Paris. Thanks for talking about it :) Take care,

  3. I absolutely adore this set. I know if I was rich I'd buy these for my girlfriend, something makes me think she'd love these, absolutely amazingly grand and awesome.

  4. This antique beauty products have the most gorgeous packaging I have ever seen, would be fun to use just for the way it looks! Always been infatuated with old fashioned boudoir style even since as a kid.
    Thanks for sharing xo

  5. Btw, I'm in love with Laudaree's macarons, use to always get them in NYC...no wonder their packaging is just to die for in their new beauty range too. Can't wait to get some when they come out!!
