Thursday, January 12, 2012

Snoot Shoot

As I've told you before, my sister - Christine Engström - is a photographer, in the beginning of her carrier. And every time she gets a new idea, or some new photo equipment, she uses me as her lab rat. A few months ago she wanted to try out her new snoot - a sort of a tube that is placed over the studio light or the flash, and helps the photographer control the light more. I think she has some real talent, and the pictures below are the result of this snoot shoot. My sister decided how she wanted me to look, so most of the clothes are her's.

Isn't she good?!! She was even nice enough to censor me! I love my sister...


  1. Wow, your sister is a marvellous photographer. You're so lucky to get wonderful photos of yourself. That said, your sister is so lucky to have such a wonderful subject she can order around (lol - I have two sisters). I understand it isn't your usual style, but you look strikingly beautiful.


  2. Wow Miss Meadows, this shoot is amazing! Your sister definitely has some talent and I seriously adore the quality of this technique, she's definitely on to something and seems set to have a great career in my opinion.

  3. Wow, these all look amazing! Your sister definitely has talent, and seems to have captured you well. You look lovely. :)
    Also, kind of a random question: that is such a cute armchair in the first photos! Is it yours?

  4. Damn, woman! You look stunning! And your sister's got some real talent! I like the ones where you're wearing underwear the most. The lighting there is just great!

  5. Thank you all for the lovely comments! They mean SO much to me! Made sure to forward them to the photographer too - they put a BIG smile on her face! :)

    Mrs Williams: The photos were taken at my sister's apartment, and the armchair belongs to her. I love it too! Yesterday we used it again, for a pin up shoot. But more of that some other time... :) xx

  6. Well, woo-hoo Miss Meadows..aren't you a gorgeous doll!?! (although I knew this already) Miss Dita will have to share the stage with you ;-) Your sister is a marvelous photographer, I'd let her take my picture any day, stunning work!! xxx

  7. You look so young and vurnabel in that oversizes t-shirt! Love the armchair.I think lightning is a huge part of a succesful picture. I'd love to find a portrait photographer with the skills to use boom light as Hollywood glamour photographers in the old days had...
