Monday, February 20, 2012

Interning at Bukowskis

Last Wednesday my hunny Fanny called me and asked if I could take over an internship as a stylist at Bukowskis  - one of Sweden's two biggest auction firms - because she had been engaged elsewhere and needed a stand-in. The internship was to start the next day, so I panicked for about two minutes, and then agreed to do it!

My job is to style clothes and accessories for photo shoots in preparation for Bukowskis' Vintage and Jewelry auction March 12, and help setting up the showroom before the auction.

The first two days Fanny was able to be there though, and it was fun working together! Here she is, making a vintage dress fit the mannequin perfectly.

When Martin - one of Bukowskis' photographers - met this mannequin, it was love at first sight! They're now planning on moving to Florida and starting a crocodile farm...

There are lots of stuff to shoot! All vintage from known designers!

This Balenciaga bal gown from the 60s is my favorite so far! It's covered in black tulle spangled with tiny black velvet dots!

I'm not so fond of wearing yellow, but I still like this dress, with matching cape. They both have labels from Marshall Field & Company in them, but they are said to be original Dior pieces!

Cocktail dress from Dolce & Gabbana in a lovely red color, that doesn't really come out in this photo.

Sparkling shoes from Louis Vuitton. If you walk into a room wearing these you'll probably get noticed!

Fell a bit in love with these Yves Saint Laurent shoes...I mean, who doesn't want shoes with sparkly cherries on them?! Alas, they were too big for me...F***k!

On my second day at Bukowskis I helped photographer Jenny shooting accessories. This is just a few of the things we shot that day - and will continue shooting this week!

Here's me in action, trying to make a Louis Vuitton bag sit exactly the way I want before Jenny directs her camera towards it. 

Jenny shooting a Chanel bag.

These Chanel shoes I liked too! But they were also too big for both me and Jenny. The danger of working with things like these is you might find things you want for yourself, but you still have to wait for the auction to get them. And even then someone else might walk away with "your" things anyway...

Except for vintage clothes and accessories, jewels will also be sold at this auction. Martin is the one shooting these pretty things. He works just beside Jenny and me, so we could see what he was doing all the time. I have to admit I made his job a lot harder than usual this day - stealing the pretty rings he was working with, and forcing him to take pictures on them on my own hands...

Here I'm wearing an orange sapphire of 6.3 ct, surrounded by diamonds.

Here we have an amethyst of 13.48 ct!!! Also surrounded by diamonds...

Last ring picture of the day - 1 ct of diamonds! After this day I'm starting to understand what Gollum really felt like! My preciousssss....

More Bukowskis posts might appear in the future. If I find something there worth taking pictures of. He, he...


  1. *screams* I LOVE THOSE CHERRY SHOE CLIPS. I want some before I die.

  2. Wow, such a great opportunity to work with some fabuous things!!! Lucky girl! X

  3. Sounds like real fun to me Miss Meadows, I love those rings too, awesome stuff!

  4. Love those sparkling shoes and rings..yes, they are gorgeous!! I would have wanted to bring them home ;) A great job!! Xxx

  5. My name is Bukowski. When i saw this, i was like "WTF O.o"

    1. Ha, ha! Maybe you can go into that auction house and clame ownership to everything in there?! Might be worth a shot. Yesterday we received a Hermès Kelly Bag!!!!! :D
