Thursday, March 01, 2012

Saints Of Los Angeles Part 2

So, here comes the second part of mine and my sister's trip to Los Angeles in August 2010!

One of my favorite hobbies is having threesomes with Mr Ben & Mr Jerry, but we don't have whole ice cream bars that serves this particular délicatesse in Sweden, so when we found one of these places in LA I didn't want to leave!

Here's my sister Christine, trying to move something immobile. Seriously. Sometimes I don't understand her...

On Venice Beach we met all kinds of funny people!

Had we visited the doctors who's sign you can see in the middle of this picture, we might have become "funny" ourselves...

One evening we had dinner at "Katsuya" - the best sushi place I've ever been to!

The restrooms at this restaurant were really cool! But if you get a bit too tipsy and walk into one of those stands you might feel a bit confused...

After dinner we went to "The Viper Room" to see "Darling Stilettos" perform! 

Waiting for the buss to take us home that night we met David Baker, who makes locket jewelry by the name "Rustic Idols", and yes, I now have one of those necklaces myself!

The Jesus - a k a Kevin - walked by...Since David knew this guy - and we still had some time left in our wait for the buss - we started talking about a lot of things. After a while Jesus pulls out a digital camera from his robe and wants to dance for him. So there I was, in the middle of the night at a buss stop on the Sunset Strip, dancing ballet in my high heels, while Jesus is filming me and David and my sister looks on. A totally normal night on The Strip...I guess...

Another day I got my sixth tattoo done at "High Voltage Tattoo" ("LA Ink"). The guy inking me is Khoi!

My sister got her very first session of "turbo acupuncture", as I call it!

Dessert was enjoyed at "Hard Rock Cafe"...

...And on our last day in LA I found Gypsy Rose Lee's star on The Walk Of Fame! Notice the "Bettie Page Clothing" bag to the side...

The lobby of the hotel we were stating at. Sister saying goodbye to the City of Angels!


  1. Looks a fantastic holiday, lucky you! X

  2. A bettie Page Clothing bag !!!

  3. Love these photos so much as like I said in the other post in my opinion LA is the greatest city in the world. I support naked mermaids too haha!

  4. I love this! Looks like you had the time of your life! But no wonder - it's LA after all ;)

  5. What a fabulous time you've had, awesome getting your tattoo done there! I love Ben and Jerrys! x
