Thursday, February 09, 2012

Stockholm Fashion Week - The Rookie Room

Here in Sweden we're in the middle of Stockholm Fashion Week right now, and I was invited to mingle at The Rookie Room, where newcomers in the world of fashion can show their stuff! So last Tuesday I did some victory rolls and headed out to mingle!

Lot's of people came. There were DJs playing music, beer, rosé wine...and very bad lighting for taking pictures...Since this is a show room where the designers want their work to be seen, and photographed you'd think the light would be better. Especially since a lot of the invited bloggers (like me) take the photos with their iPhones. Well, well. I did get some at leas half-good pictures. So here they come!

The main reason I went to The Rookie Room was to see a Swedish brand named "Lobra". I've been interested in their products - shoes and bags - ever since they started not too long ago. So to see the products and actually get to "smell the leather" so to say, was great!

The creator and designer of Lobra herself - Louise Bramstedt! A lovely, energetic woman I was glad to finally meet! On a decadent red satin duvet, decorated with black tassels, Lobra's F/W 2012 collection - "Club Silencio/Red Velvet Hotel" was on display. Do I need to say I fell for it completely?! Don't think so...

These red ones were my favorites. And I got to try them on!!! 

Everything in Lobra's collection is produced in Italy. Italians knows how to make comfortable shoes! That's all I have to say about that! If these shoes hadn't been one size too big for me, I might have ran away with them! 

This picture really shows how I felt with those shoes on my feet - in a warm, happy, fuzzy state of mind...

I really had a hard time dragging myself from Louise and the Lobra stand. But there were other designers there too! You can find out more about Lobra here

Just next to Lobra I found someone I recognized - Marika Smith - and her lovely hats!

The hats she makes are vintage inspired, and they lay scattered over a table covered in black fabric like colorful pieces of pastry! My own photo of the whole table sucked, so I stole this one from Marika's Facebook page...

Closeup of one of the hats! It's difficult to see, but among the red feathers lies a red sparkling bird! I bought one of Marika's hats a long time ago, but now I want more!!! She sells her hats in a few stores in Stockholm, but also makes custom made hats after her clients wishes. You can find her home page here!

Another brand showcasing was "Voluptuous Morality".

I really liked this knitted sweater!

It had mother of pearl buttons going up the back!

Then there was "Bedazzled", with jewelry made of buttons...

...And a nose-necklace!

I found this lovely coat by "C Kummelstedt" too. Unfortunately the collar was real raccoon. As I've said before I'm ok with vintage fur, and I'm sure they could have found a lovely vintage raccoon collar to fasten on this coat if they had looked a bit...

All in all I had a lovely evening! More Stockholm Fashion Week mingling might pop up on this blog later! Soon I'm gonna go to bed though, and dream about those red Lobra shoes...


  1. Gorgeous, love those jewellery pieces!! Would have been off with those and those clothes..what a great event!! Glad you had fun :) xx

  2. *gurgel* Röda sammetsskor, blir helt till mig!

  3. Dyra röda sammetsskor...Hm...Du kan ju tänka dej hur JAG kände mej när jag stod där med allt precis framför ögonen!!!

  4. oj oj vilket ha begär du måste fått där.. gud va fina saker dregel..

    oj de det din äkta färg du har nu.. super duper fin...jag har exprimenterat så med mitt hår i ynngre dar och avrit model med så mitt hår e typ råttfärgat av allt skit..så jag färgar det nu ha ha ha

  5. Great photos from the Rookie Room session Miss Meadows, it looks like a lot of fun to me! Louise looks extremely beautiful in that dress too, it's such an eye catching yet elegant and attracting number. She looks a lot like Adele in my opinion which is a very good thing, I think Adele's one of the most beautiful women out there.

  6. I haven't listened that much to Adele's music, but I do what she looks like and agree with you on the beauty point - she's gorgeous! xo

  7. Thanks for the links and heads up on whats coming from the rookies! You leed such an exiting life ;)
    I immediately clicked myself too Marika Smiths homepage and liked her facebook page so that I would get updates. So double thanks for that one!
    And the curse of the red shoes...I can certainly relate to that as I myself have a bit of an obsession about red shoes. Maybe there should be a Red-shoe-day this spring...So we can simultaneously sport and tiptoe around in our red shoes?
