Thursday, May 31, 2012

Back to Bukowskis!

As the ones of you who has followed this blog for a while might know, I worked as a stylist for Bukowskis - one of Sweden's two biggest auction firms - for a few weeks earlier this year. Last week they wanted me back to assist during a two-day photo shoot for the catalogue that will come out before their upcoming Classic auction.

The location we shot at was a completely amazing house that looked a bit like a big doll's house on the inside! 

Here are some of the things that will be sold at the auction, and that we used in the shoot.

One of the three models we used - Carolina - getting her makeup done by Marthe!

Too keep everyone happy and awake during the looooooong days, we stashed up with chocolates, cookies, nuts, fruit and lots of coffee!!!

Caroline "modeling" the painting in the back...

...a couch - that I want!!!...

...and some silverware. As you can see, she is lying down in all these pictures. She also got to take a long, hot bubble bath for one of the pictures. It was two horrible days for her! Couldn't snap a photo of the bath-picture, since I was busy blowing soap bubbles over her!

I also decided to try on some stuff. Like this little 1,6 million SEK (222,130 USD) tiara, previously worn by princesses...

...Close up...

...and this - also quite tiny - 17.62 ct cushion cut 2,5 million SEK (359,500 USD) diamond ring.

Here is Carolina enjoying the same jewelry in the kitchen! If you want to read more about these goodies, and see better pictures of them, you can find the tiara here and the ring here!

The "This is a Wrap" - picture! Marthe, stylist Linda, photographer Patrik, and the three models watching the finished pictures.

After two tiring days we were all tired, but still happy that the photo turned out so good! I decided to lounge a bit, before we packed up and left this cool house...

The whole catalogue for the Classic Sale, with lots of stuff and jewelry can be found here!


  1. I really like the location!

  2. Wow, that place is wonderful and all the pieces for auction are fantastic as well. Lucky you getting to try the tiara on, I would have as well ;) It may have just slipped into my dress as know for safe keeping ;) *joke* Such fun :)) xx

  3. Amazing job on these photos Miss Meadows, the whole thing seems like a lot of fun too so there's an extra bonus!
