Monday, June 11, 2012

Vintage Picnic

A few months ago all vintage bloggers in the Stockholm area got together for some afternoon tea, to get to know each other a bit outside the blog-world. We wanted to do something together again, and decided to have a picnic on Djurgården (The Royal Hunting Ground) on Sweden's National Day - 6 June!

Since the weather has been far from summery the last days, we were a bit worried about the picnic. But - lo and wonder - that whole day turned out to be sunny and warm! 

Elsa accidentally put her chocolates in the sun so it melted. This turned out to be perfect though - since we then could dip strawberries in it!

Tifa showing off her thermos!

One man had borough his phonograph, so we could listen to old music all day!

Strawberries on a strawberry blanket!

Here is Michael being a gentleman by pouring me some wine.

Photo: Michael Vincent McCarthy Kellerman

He managed to take a picture of me taking a picture of his wife.

The wife - Fanny!

Photo: Michael Vincent McCarthy Kellerman

A caterpillar examining the star-tattoo on my hand.

On our National Day the Royal Family always takes part in a ceremony at Skansen (the zoo), outside of which we were sitting. So in the afternoon we watched the King and Queen go by...

...As well as the princesses and princes!

The lovely day ended with dinner at Hasselbacken. I love days like these, and already look forward to the next picnic - which I hope will take place soon!


  1. I'm glad to hear that the picnic was so much fun Miss Meadows, all of you guys look fantastically dressed too! :)

  2. Amazing day!! The scene looks picnics..especially vintage ones :))) Have a wonderful week darling girl! :)) xx

  3. I wish I didn't had to leave for work. It would have been nice to say something more than hello and good-bye to you!

    1. Alltid tråkigt att behöva lämna såna trevliga tillställningar - SPECIELLT när man måste arbeta i stället! ;) Kul att du kom förbi en stund i alla fall, även om vi inta han babbla så mycket. Förhoppningsvis kan vi dra ihop en vintage-picknick till innan sommaren är slut, och då kanske du slipper jobba! :) xx

  4. Thank you for the comment darling girl. I always enjoy yours so much :)) I agree, no feeling sorry. It was crap, but I know if I didn't go through all those things, I wouldn't be so strong and determined. I see others who haven't gone through things be so weak and able to topple over at the smallest thing like not getting their way. I understand you about being broken and not able to dance anymore..when I was little I wanted nothing more than to be a dancer & a beautiful ballerina, but I had damage to the muscles in my legs when I was born, they called it cerebral palsy, but I don't have it as severely as others do, just a limp when I walk (got teased for that too, haha) I had to have operations on my legs as well and learn to walk over and over. And I used to stare at ballerinas all the time, wishing I was them. So, I can understand in a way about your dancing. I think your a beautiful ballerina - even if you can't do it as you'd like to, you're still my favourite :))) We are strong cookies and we will be the ones to conquer this crazy world we live in and make it shine that bit better for others :))) Lots of love to you doll!! xxx

  5. What a fun looking day, glad you all had a great time :)

    Penny Dreadful Vintage
