Monday, July 09, 2012


On Saturday me and a bunch of other vintage-people gathered in a park on Djurgården (The Royal Hunting Ground) in Stockholm to picnic and to play the game "brännboll" ("burn-ball"). It's the Swedish version of baseball. The only difference with the way we played it on this certain day, was that we called it "champagne-brännboll", which meant that at all the four bases there stood a bottle of bubbles and a shot glass, and every time you stopped, you drank!

In honor of the day, I wore a hat made by Magdalena Kellerman, it has the head of a long dead mink on it!

My 50s dress comes from Rococo Vintage!

Karin - one of the two girls who had invited us all to this event - looked dashing in a safari-inspired outfit! And considering the fact that we had three dogs, a lady bug, and a dead fish in the group, it almost was a safari! There were also some men there...

Here we see two outstanding examples of that almost lost species "gentlemen". Johannes and Mikael!

Niklas and Elsa! In the background you can see the Vasa Museum.

Then the game began! Above you see one of the bases, including tipsyfying beverage. Very good to have around when you're doing sports in hot weather!

Clara - the other girl in charge of the activities - handled the bat well! I love it how she has just hit the ball, and already has her eyes set on the first bottle!

Compared to baseball we don't have anyone throwing the ball at us in brännboll, we hold it ourselves, and then hit it. Here we have Hans in deep concentration...Because of my pain problem I hadn't played this game for years. But this Saturday I did! And I ran for the first time since I injured myself, over 7,5 years ago! I felt it afterwards, but it was completely ok. I also realized how good I am at hitting balls with a bat!

Photographer John Paul Bichard and his lovely wife Fräulein Frauke was also there. 

Fräulein Frauke and her baby Morticia! Besides the fact that I really like to hang out with these two lovely people, there's another plus to Mr Bichard's presence - he is a hell of a photographer, and he always documents everything, which means I can borrow his pictures - that are "slightly" better than my iPhone photos - to my blog! So here come a few of those!

As we sat just beside the water, Mikael went fishing for a while. Some photographer from California saw him and snapped some pictures. Then he asked me if I wanted to do a little impromptu shoot with him too. I did, and we found a pretty old ship we were allowed to climb onto. He said he would send the photos to me and Mikael later, and if he does - and if they look good - I might post them here...

All photos marked with "Bichard" were taken by John Paul Bichard.


  1. Looks like a wonderful time!! I like everyone's attire. I look forward to seeing the other photos of you :)) Happy Monday doll x

  2. I love this idea so much Miss Meadows, of everybody going out and playing softball dressed to the nines, I'm glad you guys had so much fun, I'd love to go to something like this over here.

  3. This is a great idea! I love to see so many vintage people together!

  4. Det såg kul ut. Fantastiska bilder! Jag glädjer mig åt att du vågade och kunde springa, bra gjort!
