Tuesday, July 03, 2012

Full Moon

It's that time of the month again - when Selene/Luna lets her light cover Earth at its brightest!


I won't give you any full moon-music this month. Instead I will share a little text written by one of my favorite authors - Charles Baudelaire - that my lovely friend Vanessa sent to me. Enjoy...


  1. I love Baudelaire!! And the full moon is always welcome in my world..how beautiful it is :))) Hope you are having a great week so far. The weather has been wet and grey here, not so much fun. The Queen will be in the town tomorrow, I may try and sneak a peek at her, if the crowds aren't too much. Now, I feel like having a warm cup of tea and reading some more Baudelaire...have a super day doll :) xx

  2. I need to read more Baudelaire ...

  3. I love that last quote Miss Meadows, it's so beautiful. I'd love to be drunk all of the time haha, sounds pretty ideal to me even if it's not on alcohol and just on the various pleasures that life provides for us all. Enjoy your full moon induced dreams too.
