Wednesday, September 05, 2012

Fashion For The People

Last Friday me and Fanny went to a release party/vernissage called Fashion For The People. The party was held by designer/model Elle Frostegard and photographer Robert Mosbach, to celebrate that one of their collaborations will be published in Mirror Magazine. 

Here's one of the photos - of Elle herself - from the collaboration. 

This one was both mine and Fanny's favorite. Love those eyes!

Fell in love with this playsuit - one of Elle's own creations!

Here's Fanny!

She wore a really cool necklace!

Me, under bad ceiling-light. I wore a dress from the 30s!

In the goodiebag we found hair-stuff from L'Anza

Since I had to work the day after, I thought we would just be at the event for a while, and then go home. But on our way to go someplace and just have one more glass of wine before saying goodbye, we passed a pool-place. "We have to play!", Fanny said. And so we played...

Fanny was a lot better than me at this game...

...But I think I did it with most style - if I may say so myself! Then Fanny said; "We have to go dancing!" And so we went dancing...

We ended up at Rocks, where we met a friend - Miss Evil Doll! Then we danced!!!

I didn't get many hours of sleep that night, and working the day after wasn't really that appealing. But it was so worth it!


  1. What a fun event, those photos are amazing too!! Am glad you had fun despite having little sleep and work!! You all look wonderful xoxo

  2. Elle looks incredible and I love your outfit Miss Meadows, I love all of these photos in fact. Like Doll I'm really glad to hear that you managed to make the most of the day and enjoy it because it does sound like you had a lot of fun for sure.
