Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Things I DON'T Want Right Now

What a surprise! After yesterday's feast for the eyes, now follows something that may ruin your eyes forever - the Things I DON'T Want Right Now from the Fall/Winter 2012 Collections!

A Détacher

Ok. I can imagine that if I ever put those pants on I would never be able to take them off, because they're probably too comfortable. And that's the reason I would never try them on!


Maybe she came in third place, and that's why she's wearing bronze?...

Ann-Sofie Back Atelje

Not sure exactly what this is...

Ann-Sofie Back Atelje

If I saw someone walking down the street in this, I would probably end up in the emergency room with laughing-realted injuries...


I just can't understand how big fashion-names can create things like this?! I mean - come on!!!

Central Saint Martins

Central Saint Martins

Central Saint Martins

Central Saint Martins

Four "lovely" outfits from Central Saint Martins. The last one seriously looks like someone just puked over that whole poor boy! In their defense I have to add that this collection was one of the most amusing to watch!

Chadwick Bell

Not even the shoes are right in this outfit!

Comme des Garcons

Comme des Garcons

Two creations by Comme des Garcons. I can see how the bottom one could be good to wear if you're trying to hide in a rose bush...

Emporio Armani

Armani usually makes such clean, elegant things. Here there's just too many things going on at once...

Emporio Armani

"The straight-jacket - now also for frozen lunatics!"


"Look! I dressed up as a caterpillar!"

Fashion East

What a very flattering cut to those panties! And the bustière really fits well over that...um...floral thingy...

Fashion East

So this is from the same Fashion East collection as the little number above. I wonder what theme they decided on during the creation?...

Francesco Scognamiglio

And last, but not least, we have the giant shrimp! Also known as the shaved punany!


  1. Ugh Miss Meadows, I hate all of these, the only one that I don't mind a little is the "caterpillar," one and even then it's nothing compared to the awesome looks you had on display yesterday, most of them are truly revolting like you say.

  2. The shaved punany, aaaahahaha! Oh my, I love these posts! I think my antifavorite is the second outfit by Ann-Sofie Back Atelje :)

  3. Hahahahahahahahahahah....all of these are HORRENDOUS!!!! Oh my, these models are paid enough to walk in such atrocious things!! The punani one is too funny!! I can't believe some designers get paid to produce such vomit!! xxx

  4. This post is so funny and true!! Sometimes designers' creativity verges on bad taste...How about following each other?Hope you'll visit my blog. xo Coco
