Friday, November 23, 2012

Fabergé Friday

Next Fabergé egg in line is called the "Scandinavian Egg", or "Quisling Egg", and it was made between 1899 and 1903!

This egg is one of several Fabergé created on the theme of the hen and her egg. The outside is covered in translucent strawberry-red enamel. The only decoration is an ornamental gold ring that encircles the whole egg.

The surprise is an enameled gold hen, painted in realistic colors, and with diamonds for eyes. The yolk in which the hen lies is made of suede.

The "Scandinavian Egg" was rediscovered in 1980 in a bank safe in Oslo belonging to Maria Quisling, who died that same year. She was the widow of Vidkun Quisling who was the son of Jon Quisling. Jon - who was a major in the Norwegian Army - had probably acquired the egg when he was working as a Military Attaché in St. Petersburg in 1918 and 1919. 

This egg can now be found in Viktor Vekselberg's collection.


  1. I love the sweet!! These are real gems that such creative people have done...have loved them all so far!! And maybe one day I can see one of them in real life and I will know already all about it because of you ;) And I can tell the people working there, 'It's ok, you don't need to tell me about the egg, Miss. Meadows has already done so, I am an expert' ;D haha!! Have a wonderful weekend my darling girl!! <3 <3

  2. Wow! That is so cute! LOVE LOVE LOVE!

  3. I love the very robust and hardened look outside the egg but the inside is just incredible, looks good enough to eat and I love the concept of the hen and the egg, great post!

  4. You have been given the Liebster Blog Award because of your wonderful blog...!
    If you go to my blog – – you can find more information.
    I really hope you want to play along :-)

  5. I think you really like eggs! ;) And this one was quite fab! Thank you for sharing it with us!

    Also, that comment about the bazooka was pure genius! :D It made me laugh out loud! You're ridiculous...and that's awesome! hehe ;) Loved it! :)

    Btw, thank you sooo much for stopping by my blog and leaving such a nice comment! Hope you have a great Monday! :D
