Monday, November 05, 2012

Fräulein Frauke Presents: Victorian Circus

As usual when the time comes for yet another Fräulein Frauke Presents evening at beautiful Nalen, I have to write a little post about it - because people really need to know about these decadently flamboyant events! On 24 November it's time to party - and this time the theme will be Victorian Circus!

During this romantic time in history the circus was a magical place people went to to see the weird, the beautiful, the extravagant and the hilarious - simply to me amused! The members of the circus were like a family, where there was room for everyone - even the freaks! So at this party you can really let your imagination run wild when it comes to dressing up!

I have never been disappointed going to one of these events, and after seeing the list of performers that will be on stage this time, I'm perfectly sure I - and the rest of the guests - won't get disappointed this time either! The performers will be:


Scotty the Blue Bunny (US): This two meters tall blue bunny with a sharp tongue will be the evenings conférencier.

Photo: Katlyn Mercedes

Mr Pustra (UK): This "creation of beauty" is a wandering piece of art. As vaudeville's darkest muse he enchants his audience, and this will be his first performance in Sweden.

Missy Macabre (UK): This dark and dangerous beauty has been named "Sideshow Royalty" by the British press, and she travels around the world to seduce her audience with circus inspired burlesque.

Fräulein Frauke (SWE): Frauke's very first number was "Come to the Circus". This time she will perform the updated version of this act.

Miss Lily DeLuxe (SWE): One of Sweden's top burlesque danseuses, who has performed all over the world.

Nancy the Marionette (SWE): Puppet Theater for grownups! This is the artist behind "Stand up Puppets", and tonight she will show the audience something very much in line with the Victorian Circus theme.

Evilyn Frantic (SWE): A beautiful circus freak who specializes in horror and neo-burlesque. 

Adoria Amoria (SWE): A relatively new burlesque starlet. Member of The Royal Roses Burlesque Troupe, but this time on the run from the cukoo's nest...

When no one is on stage the guests will be able to enjoy theme-fitting music, John Paul Bichard's photo exhibition "The Circus Series", and of course sip Cointreau drinks in the Harlem Cointreau Cocktail Lounge! Drink tickets for Cointreaupolitans will during the night be handed out to extra well dressed guests. But the two best dressed will receive a bottle of Marilyn Monroe's favorite champagne Piper Heidseck each!

For a while I was thinking about going as the bearded lady. But even though I haven't shaved for weeks now, not much is happening, and even though it's almost a month till the event, I doubt it will grow to be as full as the lady's in the picture above. So I guess I'll have to come up with something else...

For more info, visit Fräulein Frauke's web site:


  1. Shame I don't live closer or have my own jet, or I would come!! These always look like so much fun. I hope you have a fun time. Have a great week doll :) xox

  2. This sounds incredible Miss Meadows, I actually think that I'd like to go and see this just like Dainty Doll. Missy Macabre sounds like my favourite although it sounds like a great show in general, hopefully you really enjoy it!

  3. Hello lovely! Woo-hoo, what an adventure this sounds like! I was so busy last week and away over the weekend and didn't have a chance to get back to all of my blogging friends that stopped by the "Masked Ball" post last week ... the upcoming New Year's Eve ball you're invited to sounds like a real adventure too! We'll expect details! Wishing you a wonderful new week! ~S

    SANDY M Illustration
    This Week on Ooh La Frou Frou: "Dream World"

  4. I look forward to this so much! For once I don't have pneumonia or have to work, so we intend to have FUN! I also havinga lot of fun with my costume, but so far I'm on the easy part. I may not think it's so fun soon...

  5. i love circus, those characters are too cute! have fun dear xx

    Letters To Juliet
