Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Fräulein Frauke Presents: Victorian Circus

After missing a few burlesque events this fall because I had to work, last Saturday I decided to take a day's leave so I wouldn't miss Fräulein Frauke Presents: Victorian Circus. So yes, I took a day off to party! The theme this time was "Victorian Circus", and I was amazed at how almost 100% of the guests had taken such an effort at dressing up in theme-fitting costumes!

I dressed up as a victorian ringmaster. The only thing I missed was one of those really long whips. Oh well...Here I am with Elsa!

Fanny went as a two-faced ballerina, wearing a really pretty, light yellow dress from the 50s. The second face she had made of latex, and in real life it looked pretty freaky seeing her with two faces. 

One of the first performers was Evilyn Franticwho started by slowly swallowing a whole, long balloon, before she broke a lightbulb and ate the glass - which she swallowed with the help of some wine. A very healthy diet!

Later she also stripped for us! The conférencière of the night was none other than...

Scotty the Blue Bunny!!! I got the pleasure of meeting this man a few days before the show, at a little pre-party at the Bichard Mansion. We compared feet, shared some chocolate, learnt about Swedish Christmas candy, and discussed the possibility of making foot-porn together - the usual stuff you know...He's one of those lovely persons who probably can become friends with anyone, and when I saw him in his blue bunny costume I wanted to take him home and keep him as my pet...Anyways...

Fräulein Frauke performed an updated version of her very first burlesque number. Fanny had made the dress you can see in the picture above, and was a bit nervous the zipper would get stuck. But everything went as it should, and after taking it off Miss Frauke popped that confetti-filled balloon over her head...

...Which resulted in this lovely photo! A few of the other amazing performers were:

...And Mr Pustra. He performed two acts, and I was hoping he would sing "Missed Me" for one of them. He did, and so I was satisfied!

Velma Voluptuous was one of the two winners of best costume...

The other price went to "The Bearded Lady". Some other gorgeous guests were:


As always at these events I had a lovely, slightly crazy, night, that included wine, dancing, and a bit of spanking...Can't wait till the next time Fräulein Frauke opens the doors to Nalen again - which I happen to know will be on New Years Eve, when she will arrange a lavish, burlesque, masked ball! I have already decided what to wear for that night! 

If you're interested in going here is a link to the event's Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/events/527405210604015/

All photos (except the two top ones) by amazing photographer and coproducer of Fräulein Frauke Presents, John Paul Bichard!


  1. Looks absolutely wonderful. I would have loved to go to this event!! I love everyone's costumes, it's great when people make such a grand effort in dressing up!! You look enchanting as always..loved the outfit. Am happy you had a great time :)) <3 <3

  2. Scotty the Blue Bunny looks like a great guy to me Miss Meadows, I'm glad to hear that you had such a great day at the Burlesque show, it definitely sounds like it was more than worth taking the time off work and I honestly adore the Victorian theme, you and Elsa both look classically fabulous as well although with you that seems to be a given!

  3. It's so nice that more and more follow the theme.

    I met the blue bunny- he placed his bag on my chest when he adjusted his ears. I know bosom have been called shlef-like, but that was the first time it was actually used as one...

  4. Oh, I would have killed to be there!! The one labeled Gabriella looks like she dressed up as British model, Iska Ithil... did she? :)))

    And I love the red on you! :)) Too bad you didn't have the whip..hehe

    But the one with the confetti bursting was breathtaking!! And loved her costume as well!!

    How fun that you were able to go!! :))

    1. I hadn't herd of Iska Ithil before, but she's got a really cool look! Gabriella obviously have the same kind of pace piercings as Iska, but I have no idea if she got inspired by that model in the first place...I loved her makeup, with blue crystals as tears though... :) xox
