Monday, December 31, 2012

Happy New Year!!!

Another year has past. The best one for me in a looooooong time...I've finally been able to get back to life after my pain-years, and a lot of things has happened the last few months! I have:

  • gotten a modeling contract with Nocturnal Agency.
  • stepped up on a stage again - after almost eight years absence - because I decided to try burlesque.
  • ruined myself on Swarovski crystals, since I fell in love with this old-time way to strip and have to create many more numbers.
  • been an AP-girl for one evening, when I worked as a hostess at Agent Provocateur during Fashion Night Out.
  • worn jewelry worth 4 million SEK (154,000 USD), when working for the auction house Bukowskis.
  • met many new, crazy, weird, and absolutely wonderful friends.
  • gone to some of the most amazing parties.
  • realized that foot-fetish people really like my feet.
  • managed to keep this blog going for yet another year...

...and hoping to have the time to keep it going for a long time to come! But of course I wouldn't spend all this time blogging if no one wanted to read it. So THANK YOU to all my lovely followers - AND occasional readers!!!

I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas, and that whatever you choose to do on New Years Eve will be as fabulous as the burlesque masquerade ball I will be attending on this evening! Fräulein Frauke and her husband John Paul Bichard are as usual the talented couple behind the party, and as I know how amazing their events always are, this New Years feast will probably end up in the history books!

Happy New Year!!!


  1. Happy New Year doll...I hope you have a gorgeous time bringing in the new times :))) This sounds wonderful, wish I could go ;) You've done a lot this year and accomplished so much and I know you will keep on doing so in the new year!! Your a star ;) Have a fun and happy time!! xx <3

  2. It's been an absolute pleasure to follow your awesome blog all the way through 2012 and I hope that it continues for a long time. Words can't describe how proud of you for overcoming all those years of pain and struggling to reach where you are now, honestly it's a little inspirational to me I'm not going to lie :) Have a great 2013 Miss Meadows and have fun tonight!

  3. Wow, I'm betting you had a ball! Happy New Year. M x
