Monday, December 24, 2012

Merry Christmas!

It's yet again that time of year when we can all roll around i tinsel, make out with people we would normally not make out with - just because a piece of mistletoe hangs over our heads - eat until we can't eat anymore. Wait a while. And then eat some more. Dance around to goofy songs about red-nosed reindeers, and frighten children with big, fat, red-wearing, bearded old men. And for once this isn't weird. It's completely normal. It's CHRISTMAS!!!

Merry Christmas!!!

I hope you all get to have a lovely time with the people that matter the most to you!



  1. Merry Christmas doll, I hop it's grand for you!! Keep safe and I hope Santa brings you something really nice ;))) xoxo <3 <3

  2. Awww thanks so much Miss Meadows, here's wishing you and all of your loved ones a seriously Merry Christmas too and hopefully you get everything you wanted, maybe a dress or two, or even three haha, have a great one!

  3. Merry Christmas to you too! :)) Hope you have a good one!!
