Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Vintage Christmas Photos

Taking pictures of the Christmas tree, sometimes with the family gathered around it, isn't exactly a new phenomenon, and since it's just a few days left until Santa arrives, I thought it would be the perfect time to look at some of these Christmas family photos that were taken a few decades ago!


The Dickey family of Washington D.C., 1923. I thought Christmas trees were cone-shaped, but in the 20s they were obviously round...


The Dickies again, this time from 1929. Remember this - if the tree is too big, don't bother cutting it off a bit in the bottom, just bend the top of it until it fits the room!


Unidentified family, 1921. I'm sure everyone would have looked a bit happier if the tree had been a bit bigger!


Washington D.C., 1921.


Christmas postcard from 1917. The little girl on the floor doesn't look to happy with her new doll...


Another old Christmas card. Love this one!


Tree decorating in 1938. Can hardly see the actual tree though...But the price for most overdecorated Christmas tree goes to...


...The Hauck family!


  1. I love the little tree and their faces, haha! The huge trees make me think of National Lampoons Christmas Vacation. I wouldn't want to pick up the needles when they start to drop though, but it is nice! Have a sweet day xx

  2. This is so cool, I love seeing what Christmas meant back then Miss Meadows, it means just as much, maybe even more than it does now since the commercial aspect wasn't in existence or popularity then. Great post.
