Monday, January 07, 2013

New Year's Masquerade Ball

Remember those fairytale-like dream-parties you've imagined going to ever since you were very young. When you could dress up in really fancy clothes, deck yourselves with jewels, and dance all night long...Well, on New Years Eve my childhood dream came true, when I finally was able to go to one of these fairytale-parties...

If you follow this blog, you have read about the amazing burlesque events called Fräulein Frauke Presents several times before! This Masquerade Ball was the first time Fräulein Frauke and her coproducer John Paul Bichard opened the doors to Nalen on a New Years Eve though - and it was also the most extravagant party they have ever created! The tickets sold out completely, and had anyone showed up in jeans and a T-shirt, that person had been thrown to the lions!

My mask - which I had bought at a lovely shop in Stockholm called Devil's Delight - was ready to be tied on...

...and so were my panniers!

I had sewn an 18th century dress for a party a few years ago, so it was fun to be able to use that "old rag" again. There is so much steel in the corset and the panniers I'm practically bullet proof in that thing!

With a black ostrich plume in my hair, a fan in my hand, and a black heart Fanny painted on my chest I was ready for the night!

My dates for the evening were Fanny and Albin - meow!

Outside Nalen we were met by a fire-eater!

Then we were led into the magnificent ball room, where the tables were decorated in white and silver. The three-course dinner was delicious, and the men an women serving the food and wine did their job so well they might as well have served kings and queens! And of course we were also royally entertained...

Conférencière of the night was Dusty Limits. Even though it would probably be very difficult to impress him - since I'm a girl - and even though he has forever ruined the wonderful song The Music Of The Night from The Phantom Of The Opera for me, I still have a huge crush on him! And even though I would feel very sorry for the hamster I would still *beep*...the hamster...*beep*...*beep* if he wanted me to...Don't ask about that part...

Other performers were:

Fräulein Frauke herself of course!

And expert stage-kitten, adorable Gabriella!

...Ragnar won the champagne bottles for best dressed! But it was wonderful to see that everyone of the hundreds of guests really had made an effort in dressing up! Some other gorgeous guests were:

Lenore Caine and her man, Krille!



And Karin!

Here is another picture of me, taken by Martin Hammar. I have no idea who the man behind me is though! He just said he thought the picture needed to be decorated a bit, and jumped in behind me. I have to say we do look pretty good together though! Haha! 

The night was so lovely I still wonder if it was just a dream...And for those of you who missed it this New Years Eve...well...I have heard Fräulein Frauke might invite us next year too...

...And her web site:

All photos marked "Bichard" taken by John Paul Bichard - who here, in a rare moment, got captured by the camera himself! 


  1. What a marvellous and enchanting time...oooh I wish I would have been able to come...I dream of going to an event like this, so fine!! I want to wear a gorgeous frock such as yours and a lace wonderful!! Everyone looked amazing...what a so pleased you went and enjoyed yourself so much!! Have a gorgeous week my darling girl!! <3

  2. I'm sorry that I couldn't go, but with working quite early the next day, well, it was probably for teh ebst to have a quiet evening. And I'm so glad Ragnar, who is a good friend, won!

    So, what do you plan for the next one? I feel I may have been a bit too optimistic to decide on metallic chiffon...

    1. Synd att du missade nyår, men det verkar som att det kommer att bli en repris nästa år, så vi får hoppas du kan komma då! Och vad jag ska ha på mej på nästa FFP har jag faktiskt ingen aning om! Måste läsa på lite mer om Weimar innan jag börjar fundera. Men jag såg det där guldtyget du la upp en bild av på fb. Det kan nog bli riktigt flådigt om du hittar rätt mönster att sy efter. Å andra sidan kan jag tänka mej att det tyget inte é det lättaste att sy i... ;)

    2. Jag får satsa på nästa år. :) Jag har hittat ett mönster från -33 som jag gillar och Pimpinett har lovat att hjälpa till med provningen. Men jag misstänker att det kommer att sluta med att jag handsyr den...

      Förelen med Weimar-tiden är att den sträcker sig från 1918 till 1933, så man har en del att välja på. Bara det blir dekadent! ;)

  3. This dress that you're wearing is absolutely outrageously stunning, you look incredible! The ball sounds awesome too, I'm so glad to hear and see how fun it was and that your friend won as well, like Doll said it's simply enchanting looking!

  4. You look amazing. What a wonderful way to celebrate the New Year ... lucky you.
