Tuesday, August 20, 2013

One Year Older...

On August 16th I turned 23 - for the tenth time! It's amazing how that number never changes! Anyway... The people I live with - Fanny and Michael - said I had to have a party, and so I obliged...

I wore a vintage, black wiggle dress from the 50s, and my Gianmarco Lorenzi stilettos from Dondoca.

As usual at Swedish parties everybody gathered in the kitchen, which filled up quite fast. I was going to take lots of pictures, but since it got so crowded in there, no one could move that much, and the pictures would just have looked messy. I did manage to snap a photo of the party's guest of honor though - Molly - who of course got to sit in the best chair!

Although I had told everyone they definitely didn't have to give me presents, they all came bearing gifts! Marie Antoinette and Tifa gave me flowers and candy. Fellow burlesque dancer Ruby Luscious and her gorgeous man Albin brought me goodies from the Chocolate Factory and a white, soap-like heart from Lush that you're supposed to rub on your skin, to give it a soft, shimmering look. Great for burlesque performing! From Magdalena I got a beautiful pocket mirror she had bought in St. Petersburg, and from corset maker Karin of Viola Lahger, a lovely pearl and rhinestone set hair comb! And then we also have the gift I got from Fanny and Michael...

Fanny just got a scooter drivers license, but so far I haven't been able to go cruising with her, because I didn't have a helmet. So a helmet is what they got me! And then Michael spray painted it with the help of a piece of lace fabric. So now I have my own, custom made lace-helmet!

I love it!!! Three days later I took my first ride with Fanny, when she came and picked me up from a photo shoot. Sweet! We're planning to take a longer trip soon, so look out on the roads people!!!


  1. Those are wonderful gifts and you looked splendid on your special day :)) So sweet. Am pleased you had a wonderful time. Love the soaps, Lush is a great place. I hope you have a sweet day doll Xxxxxx

  2. Happy 23rd birthday Miss Meadows, really hope that you had an amazing day, the photos make the party seem so much fun and you look incredible! By the way I know you're not really 23, if I had to guess your age I'd say you're just starting your 30s, perhaps this was your 31st? Hope that you had a great birthday Miss Meadows.
