Wednesday, August 07, 2013

Some Well Needed Rest...

After grandma's funeral we went out to the country. It's situated in Roslagen and since my mom and her sister grew up here, the farm has been in the family for a loooooong time!

There are two cottages from the end of the 18th/beginning of the 19th century. The left one belongs to my family, and the right one to my mom's sister.

And then there is my grandparent's house, which grandpa built in the 60s. This house feels very empty now. But when I went in there it still felt like I was going to find grandma sitting by the table in the kitchen, drinking coffee and doing crossword puzzles...

I have spent at least part of every summer since I was born here, and as soon as I come back to this little paradise, I kick my shoes off and walk around barefoot as much as I can!

The weather was really hot, so I managed to go for my first swim this summer. I had forgotten to pack a bikini though, but a got to borrow this old (probably 60s) one from my aunt. I really liked it, but the fabric was pretty thick, so when it got wet it felt like I was going to lose the panties getting out of the water. Luckily it didn't actually happen...

There's a little shed where you can change your clothes when you're done swimming, and in the ceiling I found a swallow nest! But it wasn't until I saw the enlarged picture on my computer I noticed one of the baby birds was actually looking down at me, straight into the camera!

After two days of good food, wine, plating cards, and not caring about much, it was time to get back to reality though - and try to wash the grass stains off my feet...


  1. This place is wonderful. Am glad you got to go and have some much needed rest. I love the bathing suit you got to wear as well, so sweet. It's always nice to get away after some sadness and be in nature. In reply to your comment, I would buy both again, as both scents struck something in me that I enjoyed. They weren't your average fruity, sickly sweet scents that you see most people wear. They felt very vintage, very obscure, something it would take you ages to find, it's the only way to describe it to me, I really loved them though. I think I'll give the actual perfumes a whirl now. I hope you have a great day doll & don't get caught browsing websites ;) hehe xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  2. Love your bikini body Miss Meadows, you look great! Glad to hear you had a big break away and had some time to reflect on the sadness of your grandma passing, hope things continue to go well.
