Monday, September 30, 2013

New Burlesque Act!

So, as I told you before, the International Stockholm Burlesque Festival is going to take place here in Stockholm next weekend. I'll be performing during Burleskloppis 6.0 on Sunday, and for this occasion I have created a new burlesque act, called Moonlight Sonata. It will be a homage to my favorite celestial globe - the moon - and a while ago I teamed up with photographer Jan Persson to take some pictures of it. Here is the result!

There will be lovely music, lots of sparkles, feather fans, and - as usual - pointe shoes. I'll be on stage at 3 pm, so come see me and some other lovely ladies take our clothes off, at the same time you can do some real bargains at the flea market!


  1. You look absolutely breath-taking my dear!! I adore these...I'd actually hang one of these up in my house :) Beautiful. I wish I could come to your show, it would be grand!! But, I know you will do fantastic!! One day I will definitely come for sure, I know it :))) Have a gorgeous week my sweet!! <3 <3

  2. Beautiful photos doll. Wish I could be there to support you. Best wishes!!!

    1. Thank you darlin'! I'll feel your support in spirit! :) xox

  3. You are so beautiful Miss Meadows, seriously, you're an absolute siren, I think I've fallen in love with these photos, I hope you have a great time at the event!

    1. Thank you honey! As usual I love to read you comments. Always the sweetest. I really appreciate them! And I realized I never told you how old I am, after my birthday post back in August. I'm 33! :) xox

  4. Ska bli kul att se! Hoppas vi är kvar när du går på scenen på söndag.

    Förövrigt riktigt vackra och klassiska bilder!

    1. Tack! Kommer att jobba på loppisen hela dagen, så då syns vi kanske där! :) xx
