Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Caput Mundi International Burlesque Award - Part 2

Saturday morning - the second day of the burlesque festival - I woke up in a heap of glitter! After a later breakfast, and a bit of Rome sightseeing, it was time to get ready for the evening's show. Most of the performers of the festival stayed at a hostel called The Yellow, and when it was time to head over to Teatro Centrale Carlsberg, we were all picked up by a long row of Fiat 500 cars from the 50s!

The cars then drove us in parade through Rome to the theatre. At one time the engine died in the leading car, so the drivers of the three following Fiats ran out to run-start the first car, and then rushed back to their own cars to continue the parade. Haha! These old Fiats might not be so trustworthy, but now I really want one too! My dress is a vintage one from the 50s, by the way. From vintagebluemoon on Etsy. And yes, I know I'm smoking in the bottom pic. Bad! BAD! Don't follow my horrible example! Anyway. Moving on...

When we got out of the cars outside the theatre, there was a red carpet (which was actually black and sparkly) with photographers lined up to let us bask in the camera flashes before we stepped inside. I could get used to that! Just like the night before, Jack Woodhead started the show by singing a lovely song! The other Saturday performers were:

Our fabulous conférencière, Vibrissa Eccola Qua!

The producers of the whole festival - Dixie Ramone and Albadoro Gala, here together with Jack Woodhouse!

And the evening's guest star - reigning Queen of Burlesque 2013 - LouLou D'vil!

A big applause to the creators of Caput Mundi Burlesque Award - Dixi Ramone and Albadoro Gala (pictured above), aka The Missunderstanding! We had two amazing evenings at the theatre, ending on the Sunday with a laid back farewell party at The Yellow. I hope this festival will take place next year too, and that I will be able to go back and see all - or at least some - of these wonderfully crazy people again! And Rome itself of course! Me and my sister did have time for a bit of touristing, but more about that another day...

All photos marked "Bichard" by John Paul Bichard.


  1. This looks so fun, really pleased that you had such a great time Miss Meadows, I never get tired of seeing photos from these events.

  2. Looks like a fantastic event doll, am glad you had a great time and enjoyed yourself. All of these performers are very glamorous, love their costumes. So much fun!! Hope you have a super day doll <3 xxx
