Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Naked Again...

Last July I met a man. And the first thing I did when I saw him, was throw my clothes off! Haha! He calls himself FG Photography, is a very good photographer, and we had planed to do a nude shoot that day! We walked over to a dirty cellar close to his apartment - which was a really nice setting - and began shooting. And here comes the result! If you don't want to see me naked, don't scroll down! Hehe...

After cleaning myself off from all the dirt in the last picture, I though I had gotten most of it away. Looking in my small pocket mirror in the subdued light in the cellar made it look like I was pretty clean. Later when I got home and looked in a better mirror I realized I had lots of dirt left on my face though! No wonder people looked at me in a funny way on the subway... Haha! It was a fun shoot though, and a few weeks ago FG Photography shot me again! The result from that one will come in the future...

All photos by FG Photography.


  1. So amazing doll, I adore the second to last one, that is my definite favourite!! You look enchanting!! Perfect!! Fantastic job to the photographer and model of course ;-) Have a wonderful day sweets <3 xxx

  2. Lovely photos! Especially the last one :D

  3. These are all amazing Miss Meadows, talk about a natural beauty!

  4. You are absolutely stunning! Great photos!!!
