Thursday, December 19, 2013

Vintage Crime Scenes Set In Today's NYC

Marc Hermann is a photographer and historian of the New York Press Photographers Association. He went looking for historic crime scenes in the New York Daily News archive. After finding a few really grisly ones, he photoshopped them together with modern photos of the same locations where they had once been taken. It's fun to see that much of NYC still looks like in the "good" old days, when the black and white photos were taken. Even though these crime scenes almost look staged, they are, in fact, real moments of horror, documented by cameras a long time ago...

On March 19, 1942, Edna Egbert fought with police after she climbed on her Dean Street ledge in Brooklyn.

Gangster Salvatore Santoro lies dead in a Brooklyn vestibule on January 31, 1957.

Another gangster, Frankie Yale, killed by a drive-by in Brooklyn, 1928.

A stolen car smashed into the streetlight at Classon Avenue and Pacific Street in Brooklyn, 1957.

A tragic photo from 1959, after three-year-old Martha Cartegna was killed while riding her tricycle in Brooklyn.

In 1960, United Airlines Flight 826 and Trans World Airlines Fight 266 collided over Park Slope in Brooklyn, killing 130 people.

In 1958 there was a fatal fire at the Elkins Paper & Twine Co. on Wooster Street in SoHo. The building burned to the ground. 

A gas explosion shattered this Court Street facade in Brooklyn on January 31, 1961.

Here is James Linares with his girlfriend Josephine Dexidor, after being shot by her husband in a Bronx stairwell, 1961.

To see more pictures, together with the whole original photos, visit the New York Daily News archive.


  1. That is absolutely so cool!! I love it!! I kept having to look twice. Very interesting, some of them were really sad. Fantastic coming up with this idea to do, usually they just sit the old and new pictures next to each other, but this is much better!! Thanks for sharing doll :) I hope you are all ready for Santa ;-) Have a gorgeous day, hope it's not too cold!! <3 <3 xx
