Friday, January 17, 2014

Fabergé Friday

Ok, all you men out there! If anyone feels like proposing to me, I have now found the ring I want. It's from Fabergé's workshop, and was made by assay master Yakov Liapunov, sometime between the years 1899 and 1904. And here it is!

The engagement ring is made of silver topped 14K gold, and is set with two old European cut diamonds, and ten old mine cut diamonds. The size of it is 18 mm, so I will have to make it a bit smaller after the proposal...

The ring comes in it's original Fabergé silk and velvet lined fitted Hollywood case, stamped FABERGÉ in Cyrillic letters, beneath a double headed Imperial eagle. So now you know! I'll be in my boudoir waiting for Prince Charming...

1 comment:

  1. The ring is so so special and gorgeous. Anyone would be silly to say no to that!! I hope you get a ring like that soon doll, you deserve it :) Have a gorgeous weekend <3 xxxx
