Monday, January 06, 2014

Fräulein Frauke Presents - The Great Masquerade 2013

Last New Years Eve I welcomed 2013 at the most lavish, beautiful, decadent New Years masquerade ball I had ever been to! The producers of the event was Fräulein Frauke and John Paul Bichard, and as the party was such a success, they decided to do it again for this New Years Eve!

The theme of this year's masked ball was the 20s and The Great Gatsby. So I set my hair with fitting finger waves and did smokey eyes - which I later covered up with a mask after a very cozy pre-party dinner with Fanny, Michael, Elegy Ellem, and Fredrik.

Here we all are, at Elegy Ellem's and Fredrik's lovely apartment. As you can see, we were extremely excited to go to Nalen and party the night away!

Nalen was decorated for Christmas, but those ornaments faded in the light of all the amazingly dressed guests! 800 people decked out in their finest - most of them keeping to the theme of the night. When you looked around it felt like we were actually welcoming the year 1924, instead of 2014! Haha!

Before we arrived, a three course dinner had taken place in Nalen's biggest ball room. We decided to skip that part this year though, and have a more intimate dinner party.

Here are the two fabulous producers of the event - Fräulein Frauke and John Paul Bichard! Miss Frauke is wearing a dress made by Fanny by the way, for her project Stage Fright! And then we have the performers of the night:

The evening's conférencière was the gorgeous Reuben R Kaye! Although I don't think he would be so interested in me - since I happen to be a girl - I still did my best hitting on him, by slamming a door straight in his face as he came running by full speed! His first reaction was that he was going to sue me, but then he said I looked lovely and gave me a kiss. So now I'm slightly confused about the outcome of this... Well, well...

The other performers on stage were Ruby Luscious! 

And, not to forget, the two vey important, and very sweet stage kittens - Gabriella and Angelica!

Then, in the middle of it all, this gangster goes up on stage, invites his lovely lady to follow him, gets down on one knee, and proposes to her... As I'm a silly romantic, this gave me goose bumps! And of course he got a "yes"!

Men and Fanny also had a very romantic moment though, as you can see in the picture above! Tired but happy - and not completely sober - we then returned home to our beds, hoping Miss Frauke and Mr Bichard will make these burlesque New Year masquerades a tradition! What am I going to wear next year?!!! AAAAAAHHHH!!!!

All photos marked "Bichard", by John Paul Bichard.


  1. looked like a marvellous time!! I would have loved it. So cool to go to something so fantastic. Everyone looked amazing as always!! Gorgeous pictures & I'm glad you enjoyed yourself doll xx

  2. This sounds so interesting I saw once a sword swallowing and even I was about freaked out and scared it transported me , I saw it while getting a tattoo you can imagine the thrill :)
    Really great performance . Hope you had a good one on this one too.

