Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Half Naked In My Boudoir...

Ok. The headline might sound a bit more intriguing than what you think you will see in today's post. Haha! What I wanted to show you was one of my Christmas presents - a new skirt!

For once, the skirt is not vintage. It's newly made, and comes from H&M. The material is pretty thick - which is perfect for the cold winter months - and has a dotted pattern. There are hidden pockets in the sides...

...and it's very wide! Me like! The reason my hair is rolled up under a scarf is because I was on my way to yet another shoot with one of my favorite photographers - FG Photography. Pics from that will come later... As you can see I'm not alone in these pictures. I'm cat-sitting Puma for a week, and as usual she had to photobomb. Last time I took care of this cat and tried to do an outfit post the result was similar. That post can be found here!


  1. You look marvellous doll!! Great find for H&M too. Haven't been there in ages. I love how wide it goes out as well, I might have to pop in there :) So very gorgeous on you!! xoxoxoxoxoxo

  2. Ohh stod och kände på den häromdagen men visste inte om den hade fint fall och orkade inte prova just då! MEN va fin den var på dig :D

    1. Tack! Den är ju lite stel, eftersom tyget är så pass tjockt. Men jag gillar tyngden i den, samt att den är skönt varm nu när det är så kallt ute. Eftersom jag är kort blev den även rätt så lång på mej! :) xox
