Monday, February 17, 2014

In The Royal Garden...


This is Drottningholm Palace, where the King and Queen of Sweden live. One grey, cold and stormy day last week me and photographer Charlotte Hall went there to do a shoot in their lovely garden. And of course it had to start raining too, just as I tried to let my curls out behind the shelter of a big tree - that didn't really give any shelter for the storm though... Charlotte held an umbrella over me as I tied my pointe shoes on and took my warm clothes off, and then we performed probably the quickest shoot in history! Haha! We shot at two different locations, and when Charlotte checked the time span we had been shooting for in her camera, it turned out we had been working for a total amount of ten minutes! But we still managed to get 166 photos - which almost all were usable according to Mrs Hall. So I guess this proves that a shoot really doesn't have to be that long if both the photographer and the model at least have some clue of what they're doing...

So, here are some of the pictures we managed to produce! I'm actually glad it was raining and that the wind kept blowing through my hair, as that just helped in making the photos look the way they do. The dress I'm wearing is a tulle ball gown from the 40s, which I found on coralvintage on Etsy.

All photos by Charlotte Hall.


  1. Doll, these are some of my favourite pictures of you....amazing!! You look breath-taking!! Love the atmosphere and what your wearing too!! Amazing amazing photos, I love <3 I hope you have a gorgeous week Xxxx

  2. spectacular photography, you look amazing!

    1. Thank you honey! I can't believe we only shot for ten minutes though! But it was a fun shoot...but cold... ;) xox
