Friday, April 25, 2014

Fabergé Friday

As jewelry can be worn on pretty much any place on your body, here comes another example of the different things that came out of Fabergé's workshops - a belt buckle. It was made by workmster Henrik Wigström, around the years 1903-1908!

The cartouche form buckle is covered in translucent light blue enamel over a guilloché ground. The border is made of gold, and the backside is gilded silver. The height of the buckle is 3'' (7.6 cm), and the price for it is 14,500 USD. If you feel a need hold up your pants with this one on the belt, you can find it at John Atzbach Antiques.


  1. I love this blue, such a pretty shade!! I enjoy that they made so many different things and not just eggs like a lot of people would think. Not that I would like the price tag with it, ha. Might need to be a cat burglar for a little longer for this one ;-) Have a great weekend doll Xxxx

  2. you blog is amazing, very interesting I like blogs where there is something to learn. I'm a new follower (:

    xxx Anna
    A Tale of Two Shoes

    1. Hello darling, and thank you for the follow! :) I love learning new things myself, so I try educate my blog followers a little sometimes too ;) Will make sure to check out you blog too when I have a bit more time. Sometimes I wish I could add more hours so some weeks... ;) xox
