Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Polaroids In The Forest

I love shooting with Jan Persson! Not only is he a very good photographer, but he also liks to experiment with his arsenal of cameras from different ages. For the pictures below we got together in the woods to see what we could do with his Polaroid. I love how the colors turned out! The two black and white photos were taken with an old camera from the 40s, that were used to take pictures from planes during WWII. With that one you have to stand really still! As my face got a bit blurry in one of them I obviously didn't stand still enough. My bad... Anyway - here is the result!


  1. These look amazing doll, even the blurry one!! Love what your wearing as well and the hair and make-up look fantastic on you!! I think he did a marvellous job, so love these :) Xxxx

  2. outstanding photographs and you're absolutely beautiful!

    1. Thank you sweetheart! It was a fun - but cold - day... ;) xx
