Monday, May 05, 2014


I feel this blog needs some more porn! Or...well...antique porn that is! I love these really old photos of naked/half naked women, taken during a time when showing too much leg - i e your calves - was seen as provocative. These images look so soft and innocent, but still sexy and beautiful. No fake tans, spread-your-legs, or bleached anal parts. Just soft femininity. Hope you like these photos. They were taken between 1915 and 1930.


  1. Hiya doll, these images are gorgeous. I much prefer these types of pictures than the ones you get these days, porn has gone down hill, haha. The second and third and the last ones are my favourites, just stunning. I wouldn't mind a picture taken of myself like these ones, lovely. I hopew you have a marvellous week Xxxx

  2. I love theses types of pictures.
