Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Kalabalika Taxidermi

I love antiques and obscurities of all kinds, and part of that is the art of taxidermy - as long as the animals used died a natural death that is... Not too long ago my friend Amelie started Sweden's first taxidermy store - Kalabalika Taxidermi - where she sells taxidermy, skeletons and jewelry made with dead bugs and parts of dead animals. The shop only deals with animals that died of natural causes, or are vintage.

Here is beautiful Amelie herself, modeling one of her fantastic head pieces that makes you look like a mysterious forest creature. And here is a bit more of what she has to offer:

Skeleton of a chevrotain.

Framed zombie bat.

Rings and pendants with bat skulls.

"The Thief King" - Skeleton of a crab eating macaque.


Bat skeleton.

Eurasian eagle owl.

Even though Amelie is in the bottom picture, I would just like to point out that she does not come with the bird if you decide to buy it! For more of what she has to sell, please visit Kalabalika Taxidermi's web site here, and her Facebook page here!


  1. Du är mycket inne på vintage och retro va? :) De där svartvita bilderna på dig är mycket skickligt gjorda...Både ljussättningen och allting - ser verkligen ut att kunna vara äkta foton från 40, 50-talet!

    1. Japp! :) Samlar på kläder från (mest) 40- och 50-talen, och klär mej för det mesta i den stilen. Garderobens skatter får även komma fram under diverse plåtningar, och så håller jag även på med burlesque - gamla tiders striptease! Både kvinnor och män var så mycket mer eleganta förr i tiden... xx

  2. This looks marvellous, love the big owl at the bottom, that is so cool :)) xx
