Sunday, September 07, 2014

Jack the Ripper Case Solved

I think we've all seen at least one movie based on the story about Jack the Ripper, or read a book about it, or taken a guided tour through the streets of Whitechapel, the area in London where he committed his gruesome murders in 1888. The name Jack the Ripper originates from a letter - believed to be a hoax - written by someone claiming to be the murderer.

Here are the the men suspected to be the culprit, and it's the man in the bottom right picture who now has been proven - as far as possibly can - to be the Ripper...

Aaron Kosminski was a Polish Jew who had fled to London with his family to escape the Russian pogroms in the early 1880s. His admission papers states that he was a hairdresser, and what is certain is that he was seriously mentally ill - probably a schizophrenic who suffered auditory hallucinations, and described as a misogynist prone to self abuse, a euphemism for masturbation.

In 2007 businessman and Jack the Ripper enthusiast Russel Edwards (above) bought a shawl allegedly handed down from a policeman who found it by the body of Catherine Eddowes, one of the Ripper's victims. With the help of Dr Jari Louhelainen - a world-renowned expert in analyzing genetic evidence from historical crime scenes - a long period of painstaking analysis of the shawl began. The police had always suspected Kosminski was the murderer, but they never had enough evidence to convict him, despite identification from an eye-witness. After holding him in custody for 24 hours, he was committed to mental asylums for the rest of his life.

By using cutting-edge scientific techniques, which would not have been possible five years ago, Dr Louhelainen found both blood and semen on the shawl. By comparing the blood's DNA with samples from descendants of the murdered victim, and the semen with DNA samples from Aaron Kosminski's descendants - and getting perfect matches on all tests - the case was solved. So it turns out Jack the Ripper was a crazy man getting sexual satisfaction from murdering these women in very gruesome ways...

So now I guess script writers and authors all over the world are thinking about making new movies and writing new books about the true Jack the Ripper! Or maybe Kosminski just happened to pass by the newly murdered body of Catherine Eddowes, felt aroused by what he saw and decided to masturbate over her, leaving his shawl behind. Who knows? But as he was one of the prime suspects for the crimes even from the beginning, I guess this new proof is true, and the case is closed!


  1. Interesting! I don't think Hollywood will want to give up the "Royal" ties to Jack the Ripper, the truth is far less interesting!

    1. I agree! Sometimes the truth can seem SO boring, compared to the mystery of not knowing... :) xox

  2. I think it's super sure there will be new movies and they'll decide to twist the truth so it still fits to them. But, it can be fun seeing the twists :)) xx

  3. Many years I read the fictional diary of the Ripper and enjoyed it a lot. So when I read about the discovery the other day I honestly couldn´t believe it. After all there have been so many rumors about his identity and so little evidence that I was absolutely convinced that the true identity of the Ripper would never be revealed. And then, after checking the whole story, I went a little tingly in the stomach. Such an amazing discovery!
    I´m sure Hollywood will use the new story about the Ripper. I mean, a mentally ill hairdresser isn´t the worst character for a movie.

    1. At first I didn't believe it myself! I thought it was just someone who had come up with a new vague theory. But then I read about it, and realized it was genuine proof. I almost feel sorry for all the hobby detectives out there, spending their spare time investigating this crime. I mean - what are they going to do now?! Haha! ;) But you're right, Aaron Kosminski as a person would make a great film character! :) xox
