Monday, October 20, 2014

The 4th International Stockholm Burlesque Festival - Friday Extavaganza

The 4th International Stockholm Burlesque Festival - produced by Fräulein Frauke and John Paul Bichard - just went off with a big bang! The first, completely sold out, evening - the Friday Extravaganza - took place at the beautiful Södra Teatern. This theater was inaugurated in 1859, and is Stockholm's oldest playhouse. As I LOVE old theaters I was happy to be one of the performers on this evening! When we arrived to our dressing rooms, we all made sure to spread all our stuff out as much as possible, to create that feeling of burlesque mayhem that usually goes on before a show. Then we got ready, while drinking wine and snorting lines of glitter. Then it was showtime!!!

Conférencière of the evening was Reuben Kaye. This gorgeous man was probably born on a stage. He sings beautifully and I fully believe he could talk constantly until the the world ends, without ever be at a loss for words. I have no idea where he gets it all from, but when it was my time on stage, he gave me the best introduction I've ever gotten! I do think it's a bit mean to hire a conférencière who outshines the rest of the performers though... Haha! Oh well, here are a few of the evenings other 24 acts!

Me! I did my Moonlight Sonata act, and I like the fact that in this pic the moon on my head looks like two horns! Haha!

Anja Pavlova - who made me want to learn how to dance the charleston!


And Tigger - who did his Father McTigger act! I'm now a believer... The next evening I asked him if he wanted to be the priest when I got married to Reuben. But then Reuben said he's allergic to cats, so then I put a stop to it right there and then! The fact that he's gay I see as a smaller marital problem than the cat thing. Oh well... Still have a huge crush on him though!

And here we all are on stage after the fantastic show. The audience was amazing too, screaming and shouting throughout the whole evening! Thank you audience!!!

Then we spent the rest of the night dancing our asses off, until it was time to go home and fall into bed - only to get up and get ready for the second day of the festival. But more about that on Wednesday...

To see photos of all the performers click here!

Photo: John Paul Bichard


  1. amazing!! Everyone looked stunning and you of course looked out of this world. So lovely. I really hope one day to see you perform in one of these :))) Would be perfect :)) Can't wait to see more on Wednesday. Happy Monday doll Xxxxx

  2. Oh wow, you look bloody stunning! How hard do you train to keep your body as stunning as that? Talk about hot!

    Glad you enjoyed the night so much :)

    Corinne x

    1. Thank you darling! :) Well, I do a LOT of ballet + other exercises you need to do to be able to hold yourself up in those pointe shoes, like situps and backlifts. I also eat lots of chocolates and drink red wine! :) xox
