Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Fraulein Frauke Presents - The Seven Seas

Last Saturday another fabulous Fräulein Frauke Presents took place at Nalen. The theme of this big burlesque event this time was The Seven Seas. 

As I didn't have the time or the strength to put together a theme-fitting costume, I just threw on a green, one shoulder dress from Bettie Page Clothing, and a hair decoration I've made myself. When I arrived Nalen was full of sailors, pirates, mermaids, and other creatures of the sea. Watching the audience at these events is a show in itself, but of course there was a show going on up on the stage too. The performers were:

And the lovely conférencière Dusty Limits!

There was also people singing, and bands and DJs playing all through the night, and I just love this picture photographer John-Paul Bichard took backstage of Louise De Ville while she was getting ready for her second act! And here are a few of the good-looking guests: 

To see all the photos from the evening, follow this link! Next Fräulein Frauke Presents will take place May 9, and then the theme will be Moulin Rouge/Paris. To get updates about these events, you can sign up to Fräulein Frauke's newsletter here.

Photos (except the top one) by John-Paul Bichard.

1 comment:

  1. This looked so perfect...amazing parties :))) You looked wonderful doll <3 <3
