Monday, May 04, 2015

30s Shoot And Tipsy Models...

Usually when I do shoots I'm the only model on set, but a couple of weeks ago we were three in front of the camera! My co-models were Lenore Caine and Emma Green, and our photographer was Miss Kryseis

The theme of the shoot was "picnic in the 1930s", so I put on my 30s-inspired dress from Stop Staring.

Then we headed out to our location - the romantic Eco Temple in the Royal Haga Park. It was a lovely, sunny day, with spring warmth in the air.

Photo: Miss Kryseis

Miss Kryseis' idea of a picnic in the 30s was girls sitting on a blanket playing cards while smoking and drinking, so she had brought the best photo prop ever - Marquis de Sade Champagne! Lenore opened the bottle like a boss, without hitting anyone with the cork!

Photo: Lenore Caine

I have never gotten tipsy during a shoot before, but this is how happy we were after finishing both the shoot and the bottle. This is how being a model should always be! Haha!

Here is a behind the scenes pic, when we were fooling around. This is what happens when you give the models champagne... On Wednesday I'll show you how the proper photos turned out!

1 comment:

  1. This is so cool, love the expressions on you girls as well, perfect!! Happy Monday my dear <3 <3
