Wednesday, October 28, 2015

The End... And A New Beginning!

I started this blog almost four and a half years ago, when I was still in too much pain to live a proper life. It gave me something to do, and through it I have learned a lot, and connected with people all over the world. Now it's been eleven years since I injured myself, and I feel I'm really coming back to life again now that the pain has disappeared so much I can actually go out in the world and DO stuff! This is amazing! But on the other hand I find it harder and harder to find time to write blog posts. So, with this - my 804th post - I have decided to stop blogging... At least over here at Miss Meadows' Pearls. I while ago I created a proper website where I have both my modelling portfolio and burlesque videos collected in one place. So, to still have somewhere to share pictures from photo shoots I do, and other projects, I have added a blog to my new site. This means I will post a lot more seldom than I have been doing here, but still have a place to share myself and what I love doing with anyone interested in following me.

To everyone who has been following this blog, or just popped in to read it now and then - THANK YOU!!! You're the reason I've been spending so much time searching for interesting things to write about, and then actually putting the posts together. I hope you'll follow me over to my new place!

Whenever I do a new post on my new blog, I will announce it on Instagram and Facebook, so if you join me there, you will know when there's something new to read.

I have already written my first post on my new blog, with photos from a shoot I did a couple of weeks ago. So, if you care to join me, follow the link below!


  1. While I'm sad I won't see you over here anymore, I'm so glad that you want to venture out and start fresh! I'll definitely be keeping up with you there!

    1. Thank you honey! Quitting this blog feels a bit like killing my own baby, haha! But it has become a bit of a stress moment these last months... Today I have a whole day off, at home though. And I just realized that now when I don't have to search for blog material and write new posts, I have NO idea what to do! Vacuum maybe... :) xox

  2. sad you'll stop this blog, but am so pleased you are better and will still share your work on your website, so it isn't goodbye, just a different hello :)))) <3 <3 <3 <3

  3. Sad to see you close this blog, but atleast we can celebrate your new almost-pain-free life. See you in your new place!

  4. Nice article as well as whole site.Thanks.
