Friday, August 05, 2011

At Kellerman's we come together...Part 2

For my second day as an intern at Kellerman Vintage I decided to try out my new skirt. When I first tried it on I thought about shortening it a bit, but now I have decided not to. I like the length, and the fabric is wonderful - heavy and a bit slinky - and I love the way it flows around my legs!

To make it a bit more interesting I added a pair of red "Graceland" shoes. Not only prostitutes wear red shoes - as some people have stated in the past. At least I have never charged anyone for those kind of services (at least not so far), and I - obviously - still wear red shoes. Case closed!

In the shop Fanny spent a lot of the day working on a feather fascinator - an order from a customer who wants to wear it on her wedding day. It turned out beautifully, and when it was finished Fanny used my head to photograph it on. She had to work for some time on putting my hair up before she took the picture though, to create the illusion - as she said - of making my head look a bit bigger than it really is...

The problem with being friends with someone who owns a vintage shop is that I end up spending a lot of time there, thoroughly going through all the treasures she has for sale, and then I end up buying something. *Sigh*. That girl is going to ruin me...This day I managed to go home with a pair of silver earrings, shaped like little filigree fans with inset dark blue stones.


  1. I've never heard the "ONly prostitutes wear red shoes." I'd totally wear red shoes, they make every outfit so much better. I thougth prostitutes wore white boots.

  2. Ha, ha! I love red shoes too! That thing with read shoes and prostitutes I've heard a few times though. But you might be right about the white boots :)

  3. My husband usually says only whores and little girls wear red shoes. I have plenty of red shoes, not sure which category he has put me in.
